Friday, June 18, 2010

What makes races or ethnicities have different texture hair?

I'm black and i've always wondered how come I don't have hair like some whites. Some people in my race always say " You have "good" hair!" and i've assumed they were saying it looks more european like. But what makes the people of diffrent races have different hair textures?? Thanks.

What makes races or ethnicities have different texture hair?

the foilicle is shaped diffrentlly. Straight hair was a very round follicle and any other hair has a diffrent shape so when the hair gows out of it it curls .

What makes races or ethnicities have different texture hair?

It is millions, thousands of years of mutation and evolution.

Human bodies slowly changed depending on what part of the earth they were in----some mutations/adaptations were very useful, and the people that had them survived better because of them.

There is much less sun in the far north of the earth---to survive there, and for people to gather enough vitamin D from sunshine, they must have very light-complected skin. Otherwise, they develop rickets.

With the intense sun of equatorial Africa, the more melanin the better, and the darker skin the better, to protect people from skin cancers. They also need to have dark irises (brown/black eyes) to protect them from cataracts.

"African" hair--that is very curly, and that breaks easily, is also a mutation, and an adaptation to the climate, the heat, and perhaps the plant and animal life the people had to cope with. Whatever it's there for, it's evolved over many millenia, for good reasons.

What makes races or ethnicities have different texture hair?

People get the kind of hair that god give's them, everyone's just has to make the best of what they got!!! but, u won't find to many people in the world that like there hair the way it is!!!!!

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