nine-storey building damaged in an earthquake in Pakistan last year has collapsed, trapping up to 15 people.
The building in the northern hill town of Murree had been a hotel before the October 8 earthquake but had been turned into apartments.
It collapsed at around 3am (0800 AEST) but police said they did not know why.
The architects have blamed the well known racist umpire D.Hair for the collapse. The chief architect is quoted as saying "how can it be our fault the building collapsed? It must be the way you are looking at the building, if 26 cameras on the building cant see it collapsed how can it be collapsed?". Pakistanis are outraged than anyone could question the Pakistani building methods. 閳?This is typical racist attitudes of the western nations, a building collapses and they want to blame us? Surly we can never let D.Hair near Pakistan again or other buildings may collapse. Former and current Pakistani cricketers are outraged at this slur against Pakistani builders and architects. 閳ユ窔t must be D.Hair閳ユ獨 fault he is white閳? 40 Pakistani architect students have occupied a cricket ground in Islamabad vowing not to leave until Hair never officiates at another cricket match again or builds a building in Pakistan. It is expected that the ICC will be blamed for not dismissing and causing the building to collapse.
The Racist ICC has allowed the Racist Hair to do it again to Pakistan?
LMAO! love it!
The Racist ICC has allowed the Racist Hair to do it again to Pakistan?
why is it when a fellow WHITE person picks on one of you he is a RACIST but when it's the other way around that's OK.
The Racist ICC has allowed the Racist Hair to do it again to Pakistan?
win at all cost,dont play the game with integrity.
Thats what the other world games are based on.
Cricket teams are going the same way.
The Racist ICC has allowed the Racist Hair to do it again to Pakistan?
excuse me...dont act the world knows what were hair's intentions....even aftr he has shown his lust..u gyuys still think he is innocent!!! he is shame 4 crkt!!!
The Racist ICC has allowed the Racist Hair to do it again to Pakistan?
Excellent egsample however why ICC is being RACIST is because it is run by M. Speed who happen to be a white though Asians has the strong hold in the profits...
Yes it still wonder me why they are?
The Racist ICC has allowed the Racist Hair to do it again to Pakistan?
i think it is time for everyone to grow up on the situation. pakistani people are just milking all the racist sympathy for as long as they can, which is infinitely long because if we stop caring...... WE'RE RACISTS! HURRRAH!
Hair has been made a scapegoat to the racist march to invert social powers from the white able bodied man to the coloured disabled woman. and if you can throw in something to do with paedophilllia and terrorism then so much the better!
i really do think that for the sanity of the world it needs to be dropped and sorted out fully.
an example: teachers cannot call a blackboard a blackboard, it is racist! and i assume so is using a whiteboard because it isn't ethnically correct.
see my point? this could be in a school teaching 7 year olds?
the building probably wasn't checked for structural damage caused during the earthquake and has been severly weaken by the cyclical stress of maybe more than one quake (for more information research cyclical stress fracturing).
and d hair is not that big that the racist world revolves around "racist" him.
The Racist ICC has allowed the Racist Hair to do it again to Pakistan?
Hair is so racist the rulemakers actually changed the rules so a particular bowlers action was no longer illegal. Only Hair had the nads to call this chucker for what he was. Hmm what to do.... I know!!!! Lets change the laws of our great game so the Lankans can actually win a game occasionally... Now what? Ball tampering, huh??? Hmmm, Difficult what? Thank God it was that racist Hair who called it.. Let's just dump him, give Inzi a knighthood and pretend it never happened eh?
The Racist ICC has allowed the Racist Hair to do it again to Pakistan?
what is the question again? after reading so much my mind is all muddled up.
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