Friday, June 18, 2010

Home laser hair removal treatments?

Has anybody had any experience of using home laser hair removal treatments, and did you find that they worked?

What system did you try? I am looking at the Rio Scanning LHR system, which apparently treats up to 20 hairs at a time?

How difficult was your system to use, how many treatments did you try and how much regrowth was there (and how soon)??

If you also wouldn't mind saying whether you are black/white etc and your hair colour that would be appreciated.

Home laser hair removal treatments?

The Rio laser is very underpowered, the hair just grow back. Unfortunately if you really want to do laser hair removal at home you are probable going to have to buy something medical-grade, something like the Tria. But they cost about 鎷?00. It really is a situation of you get what you pay for.

Home laser hair removal treatments?

i have fair skin indian, i used home laser Rio. i have the scanning one which treats about 20 hairs at a go. I think it is good, i recommend it. Try it. Good luck xx Report It

Home laser hair removal treatments?

nope i wanted to buy one.. but black people aren't allowed to use it because we scare so easily and permanently too :(

hope someone invents one for the darker skin tones!

Home laser hair removal treatments?

i btought the rio about 6 months ago...i still havent used it

keep meaning to :)

its meant to work takes about 6 months for each area you treat

Home laser hair removal treatments?

Myself, I've always gone to a local technician to get laser hair removal. Do some more research before deciding.

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