Friday, June 18, 2010

Why do White people go against their own race?

I'm White and I just posted some questions about Asians yet even my own race insulted me. =( Why do they do this? Do they not support our pride and glory? Instead they just protect others. One even called me genes a piece of **** when hes White too. I got blonde hair, blue eyes, and pale skin so screw that guy that insulted me. Why do Whites betray a fellow White?

Why do White people go against their own race?

I don't get it either. Other races pretty much all stick together. We should learn to do the same.

Why do White people go against their own race?

If you are half Canadian and English whats the other half of you? lol

Why do White people go against their own race?

We're all members of the human race. Try to remember that.

Why do White people go against their own race?

the very simple thing is in today's world a human being has stopped respecting a fellow human

it is not between people from different race or from same race but this follows in a same family also

the basic thing is that now a days people feel happy insulting each other

Why do White people go against their own race?

Gosh Cory,

Do you wear your sunglasses at night?

Why do White people go against their own race?

A great many white people have become infected with liberal ideas

These are learned as children, and are designed to create enormous fears

White liberals teach their children to turn the other cheek

To do whatever they can to avoid trouble, and to always remain quite meek

White liberals fear nonwhites,but they fear criticism even more

That's why they feel empowered, to kick other white folks to the floor

It's far more important for a white liberal, to be seen as eager to condom his own,

than for any thinking white liberal, to even consider,that he could stand alone

White liberal cowards are in the majority today, it may well seem,

but there will defiantly come a day,when we'll hear these same white liberals scream

Why do White people go against their own race?

White people go against their own race because many of them are weak minded into believing that "Every white person alive today are racists, white devils." What these morons fail to realize that if they honestly believe that "All white people are racists or a white devil" then they too must " A Racist and a white devil" because they are white, too.

I'm just wondering if this sh*t for brains that calls himself the "University President" up at the University of Delaware realizes that he is white, too. Therefore he MUST be a "Racist" himself since he believes that "All white people are racists."

Why do White people go against their own race?

You think too much like Hitler.

Self-destruction is your future if you keep thinking like him.

Why do White people go against their own race?

Because you are an idiot. Who would support the stupid idiot?

Why do White people go against their own race?

I have notice this also. If black person makes a race joke about white people, nobody gets angry, if a white person makes a joke about a black person, you end up at the front page of the news paper. Sometimes i think that people are being racist against white people. They believe that white people are nothing but racist. Ironic. White people can't take pride in being white because glorifing the white race is like being a nazy. This is completely wrong. Black people organize groups that celebrate their heritage all the time.

Why do White people go against their own race?

that is why all races except asians make fun of, use, jump in groups of 8 people, and kill them because stupid white people dont understand that no matter what other races say they will always see you as a white. AND NO MATTER WHAT PEOPLE SAY PUT A RANDOM WHITE GUY AND A RANDOM BLACK GUY together. THE BLACK GUY WILL ALWAYS CHOOSE THE BLACK GUY SAME GOES FOR EVERY OTHER RACE. STOP LIVING IN STUPIDNESS MOST OF YOU WHITE PEOPLE IN AMERICA. in europe its way diffrent dont worry in europe white people do stick together its only in america that dumb whites like the guy you were talking bout loves other races then his own.

Why do White people go against their own race?

The Jewish controlled media makes race mixing fashionable. Take a look at advertising where there are all these happy multiracial people marketing products and ideas. People fail to realize that these are merely images projected into their homes via television. In reality, people are not the same and exist in harmony when separated along racial lines. Genetics and world history prove this to be true.

Why do White people go against their own race?

i think mainly because you're saying they're like you, which is utterly insulting

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