Friday, June 18, 2010

Does it really matter the way you style your hair?

Everytime i style my hair curly i see alot of african amrican guys staring at me.Everytime i style my hair straight all the white guys are staring at me.If i wear them waivy not curly or straight all the indian guys a looking at me.So does your hair style really affect on what type of people you attract?What do you have to say about this?Be nice if you think your too good and smart for this answer kindly ignore it but no smart comments please:-).

Does it really matter the way you style your hair?

yeah i totally notice this. straight hair with me gets white guys mostly, and i don't get near enough attention from them if i do my hair wavy or curly. i've never noticed an increase in black or indian dudes when my hair is curly/wavy though...l

Does it really matter the way you style your hair?

yes I get the same thing almost with guys and my hair some ppl dont even recognise me at first if i change my hair

i dont kow what it is some attraction to a certain look can affect guys differently

Does it really matter the way you style your hair?

I wouldn't know the answer for sure, but I think it does matter. Usually every guy has a preference in women, how they dress, act, etc. so I guess the same applies to hairstyles.

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