Sunday, November 29, 2009

Annoying people... congratulate you for looking white... what the crap do they get out of it?

i have white skin and green-blue eyes and light brown hair and i guess, 'white' features.

when people find out i'm mexican they can't believe it. they don't understand that we are of mixed blood so we can have a variety of looks.

that's fine, who cares?

what bothers me is when people tell me i'm 'lucky'.

for example, this german lady at work the other day insisted i must have some german blood in me. and that made me 'lucky'. other people have said the same. they usually try to turn it into a long conversation (i have no idea why??)

what do they get out of saying that? basically i take it as an insult, i love my people and would never be ashamed to look like 'them'. i am one of them.

face it people. blond hair and blue eyes is not the greatest thing on earth no matter how 'pretty' the girls next door and jessica simpson are.

does this happen to any of you?

Annoying people... congratulate you for looking white... what the crap do they get out of it?

My niece is mixed black and white, but she still has the blonde hair and blue eyes and fair skin like my sister. People say crap like well at least she doesn't look black, make me wanna slap them in the face. That's my friggin family! Those people are racist. That's all it is.

Annoying people... congratulate you for looking white... what the crap do they get out of it?

thats a race superiority comment

Annoying people... congratulate you for looking white... what the crap do they get out of it?

The Spanish (ok, dark hair and brown eyes) invaded Southern America and bred with the natives.

The Germans had two good go's at invading Europe and imposing the Aryian race on all and sundry.

Hell, even the Brits had the biggest Empire the world has ever known, at one point.

Romans did well with Europe, and the Mongol Hordes had a pretty good crack at invading everywhere.

Even the good old US of A was only 'taken over' by the non native Americans (who came from Russia anyway) a few hundred years ago.

So, who is whom, and where are we all from anyway?

Africa, apparently!

Just be happy being you. You sound fine to me!


Annoying people... congratulate you for looking white... what the crap do they get out of it?

Aren't some Mexicans mixed with Spaniards? Thats probably where you got some of your traits from. I had a Mexican schoolmate who has blond hair and pale skin, yet everyone thought he was Caucasian.

Annoying people... congratulate you for looking white... what the crap do they get out of it?

Some Germans still support Hitler...

And just when you thought we won World War II, you get traitors supporting Hitlers ideas on our soil.

Annoying people... congratulate you for looking white... what the crap do they get out of it?

I do't blame ya...Latin is a language group and tuns the gaulntlit of "racial types"and I don't see why looking European would be a case of luck. ..looking like eva langoria or some of the girls I used to work with would be a case of luck... or being born rich

Annoying people... congratulate you for looking white... what the crap do they get out of it?

maybe they think it's a that you are less likely to face the discrimination of a cousin without the lite features(except in your own community as was seen in plantation era when mixes were out cast from both sides)

anyway my thought on race is Noah had 3 sons and three daughter in laws.... they went off the boat in different directions and multiplied... skin tones changed due to climate and conditions... bottom line

WE ARE ALL RELATED AND ARE WHO WE ARE MENT TO BE! love yourself and don't let ignorance get you down.

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